Psychological First Aid Training
Learn skills to provide support to others in a crisis.
What is Psychological First Aid?
The Nebraska Psychological First Aid curriculum is an adaptation of “Community-Based Psychological Support” developed by the International Red Cross. This program teaches skills to provide support to others in a crisis.
Psychological First Aid Trainers may request materials by contacting Dr. Denise Bulling at or 402-472-1509.
This training introduces critical skills in 7 areas:
- Psychological support
- Stress and coping
- Supportive communication
- Promoting community self-help
- Functional needs populations
- Helping the helper
- De-escalation

Psychological First Aid:
Field Operations Guide for Nursing Homes
The Psychological First Aid Field Operation Guide for Nursing Homes is designed for nursing home staff who will be providing Psychological First Aid to older adult nursing home residents. It has been developed so that it is appropriate for use with residents who have:
- sheltered in place during a disaster (i.e., hurricane)
- evacuated to a host facility or community shelter prior to an impending event (i.e., a forecasted hurricane or threatening wildfire)
- evacuated after a disaster because of damage to their home facility (i.e., tornado, hurricane, flood)
- evacuated during or after an unpredicted disaster or act of terrorism where no advance warning was given (i.e., local human-caused or natural disaster) to a host facility or community shelter
Need a Refresher?
This course benefits both those who have already taken an in-person PFA training as well as those that require just-in-time training prior to deployment to a disaster or emergency.
Want to Learn More?
Nebraska’s Psychological First Aid curriculum complements the PFA Field Operations Guide developed by the National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN) and the National Center for PTSD (NCPTSD). Nebraska’s curriculum is designed for non-licensed helpers and clinicians.
© 2005-2022 University of Nebraska Public Policy Center
This website is part of a coordinated effort on behalf of the U.S. Federal Government and the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services Division of Public Health, Division of Behavioral Health, and the University of Nebraska Public Policy Center. Funding was made possible [in part] by U3REP190555 from the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response (ASPR). The views expressed in written materials or publications do not necessarily reflect the official policies of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services or the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Public Health; nor does mention of trade names, commercial practices, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. Government or the State of Nebraska.